お知らせ お知らせ


  • 2023.12.13


  • 2023.11.17

    2023/09/16に東京国際フォーラム/WEBで開催された第689回日本内科学会関東地方会にて、莫根康平先生が悪性リンパ腫に関する発表で関東地方会奨励賞を受賞しました。また同演題での指導により、伊藤 駿先生も指導医賞を授与されました。

  • 2023.11.11
    1. P. Brito-Zerón, A. Flores-Chávez, W. Fai Ng, I. Fanny Horváth, A. Rasmussen, R. Priori, C. Baldini, B. Armagan, B. Özkızıltaş, S. Praprotnik, Y. Suzuki, L. Quartuccio, G. Hernandez-Molina, N. Inanc, E. Bartoloni, M. Rischmueller, F. Reis-De oliveira, V. Fernandes Moça Trevisani, C. Jurcut, C. Fugmann, F. Carubbi, B. Hofauer, V. Valim, S.G. Pasoto, S. Retamozo, F. Atzeni, E. Fonseca-Aizpuru, M. López-Dupla, R. Giacomelli, H. Nakamura, M. Akasbi, K. Thompson, A. Szántó, A.D. Farris, S. Bombardieri, L. Kilic, A. Tufan, K. Perdan Pirkmajer, Y. Fujisawa, S. De Vita, K. Abacar, M. Ramos-Casals

    Exposure to air pollution as an environmetal determiant of how Sjogren disease is expressed at diagnosis

    Clinical and Experimental Rheumatology (IF3.7)

  • 2023.11.02
    1. A.Flores-Chávez, P. Brito-Zerón, W. Fai Ng, A. Szántó, A. Rasmussen, R. Priori, C. Baldini, B. Armagan, B. Özkızıltaş, S. Praprotnik, Y. Suzuki, L. Quartuccio, G. Hernández-Molina, N. Inanc, E. Bartoloni, M. Rischmueller, F. Reis-De olivera, V. Fernandes Moca Trevisani, C. Jurcut, G. Nordmark, F. Carubbi, B. Hofauer, V. Valim, S.G. Pasoto, S. Retamozo, F. Atzeni, E. Fonseca-Aizpuru, M. López-Dupla, R. Giacomelli, H. Nakamura, M. Akasbi, K. Thompson, I. Fanny Horváth, A.D. Farris, E. Simoncelli, S. Bombardieri, L. Kilic, A. Tufan, K. Perdan Pirkmajer, Y. Fujisawa, S. De Vita, K. Abacar, M. Ramos-Casals

    Influence of exposure to climate-related hazards in the phenotypic expression of primary Sjögren syndrome

    Clinical and Experimental Rheumatology (IF3.7)

  • 2023.10.19


    両先生が、(一社) 日本血液学会より、日本血液学会研究助成事業助成金として



  • 2023.09.09

    Horai Y, Shimizu T, Umeda M, Nishihata S, Nakamura H, Kawakami A.

    Current views on pathophysiology and potential therapeutic targets in
    Sjögren’s syndrome: A review from the perspective of viral infections,
    toll-like receptors, and long-noncoding RNAs
    Journal of Clinical Medicine (IF: 3.9)

  • 2023.09.04

    Koike T, Miura K, Hatta Y, Nakamura H, Hirabayashi Y, Yuda M,

    Harada T, Hirai S, Tsuboi I, Aizawa S

    Macrophage depletion using clodronate liposomes reveals latent

    dysfunction of the hematopoietic microenvironment associated

    with persistently imbalanced M1/M2 macrophage polarization

    in a mouse model of hemophagocytic lymphohistiocytosis

    Annals of Hematology(IF:3.5)

  • 2023.08.21

    中村英樹、秋谷久美子、長澤洋介、北村 登

    特集 リウマチ性疾患の評価指標 シェーグレン症候群の評価指標

    リウマチ科 vol70, No.2, p185-192, 2023


  • 2023.08.16

    Umetsu A, Eguchi K, Koga T, Araki T, Takatani A, Aramaki T, Terada K, Iwamoto N, Miyahara K, Yonemitsu N, Nakamura H, Kawakami A, Ueki Y

    Evaluation of lipoma arborescens with intermittent knee joint effusion based on the analysis of serum cytokine levels and immunohistological examination: A case report.

    Internal Medicine (IF1.282)

  • 2023.07.04

    Nakamura H, Tanikawa Y, Nishihara M, Tsukamoto M, Nagasawa Y, Akiya K, Natori N, Kitamura N, Takayama T, Nakajima H.

    Aseptic meningitis followed by mononeuritis multiplex in a patient with primary Sjögren’s syndrome.

    Journal of International Medical Research (IF:1.60)